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About Usui Reiki

Reiki a spiritual practice developed by our founder Mikao Usui in the 1920's. It was developed as a way of life and a practitioner must follow a personal practice, in order to be effective in performing treatments with others. As a happy consequence of a practitioners personal meditation practice, we may be able to facilitate the right conditions for healing to take place. It could be said that a reiki practitioner becomes aware in meditation of finer frequencies of energy that is in and of everything, but which we aren't usually aware of as we hurry through our daily lives. 

During a treatment, it is the recipient who does the healing. It is a practitioners role maintain a deep awareness which enables a recipient to also become aware during that time and which may facilitate in balancing their vibrational frequency, thereby healing may then more easily take place.
A treatment may also help us to relax deeply and in this state of deep relaxation is when the body and finer energetic bodies are better able to heal and rejuvenate.

Common Benefits of Receiving Treatment

Here is a list of examples of how Reiki may help you, please contact me directly should you require more information.

  • Stress reduction and stress related physical and mental issues
  • Depression
  • Anxiety including OCD
  • Self-esteem
  • Mental clarity
  • Sleep disorders
  • Pain reduction or elimination
  • Restorative treatment following surgery and relaxation before surgery
  • General wellness
  • Trauma and grief
  • Help to reduce side affects of medications or treatments
  • Chronic pain or illness
  • Mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual healing
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Detoxification
  • Spiritual alignment and balancing

All treatments are by appointment only.

Can Anyone Learn?

YES! Reiki is such a wonderful spiritual method to learn and can be learned by anyone. We all have the capability to access this innate ability. It is a love, compassion and mindfulness based practice which is fully inclusive to all.

Many people learn Reiki for themselves and their loved ones, but these courses will also teach how to practice professionally after students have gained their Professional Practitioner certification.

All courses at the Usui Reiki Academy Surrey, fully comply with the Core Curriculum for Reiki and guides of the UK Reiki Federation. They are within the guidelines of National Occupational Standards and internationally recognised.

Choosing a Teacher

When choosing a teacher it's important to check that there is an unbroken lineage About Amanda White. This means that (hopefully) the traditional teachings and attunements have been passed down through the line as accurately as possible, although there are many variations from teacher to teacher. All have value, but at Usui Reiki Academy Surrey we persevere in keeping the authenticity and simplicity of the original method. 

All Usui Reiki Academy Surrey students will share my lineage in both the Usui Shiki Ryoho (Western) and Usui Reiki Ryoho (Eastern) tradition above:

About Being a Verified/Accredited Course Provider

The aim of the Reiki Council course verification process is to recognise courses or suites of courses that can be proven to prepare students for professional practice. The courses will aim to assess against the National Occupational Standards for Reiki and the Reiki Council Core Curriculum.

Once a student has completed all the requirements and completed the Reiki Councils set assessment by a verified and an accredited assessor, students will hold a recognised qualification and is the highest professional standard for reiki internationally.

About Registration with CNHC

The CNHC is approved as an Accredited Register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care which is accountable to UK Government. It gives assurance that those registered meet the standards set for patient safety and security.

The Department of Health recommends that those who are looking for complementary health practitioners or teachers use someone who is registered with the CNHC.

Doctors are therefore able to refer their patients to practitioners who are registered.

You may find my details here:

After completing all the requirements, students will then receive:

Professional Practitioner Diploma in Reiki

with Usui Reiki Academy Surrey

  UK Reiki Federation Master/Teacher Member

About being a Member of UK Reiki Federation

The UK Reiki Federation is one most respected Reiki only professional associations in the UK.

All practitioners of Reiki who are members of the UK Reiki Federation no matter what style they have trained in have had their lineage and/or training checked and approved.

About Being a Member of FSB

I became a member of the FSB, who are a not for profit organisation of experts in all areas of business and huge team of solicitors, dedicated to supporting small business with good business practices. This ensures that I have up to date information on law and business practice so to provide the best service to all who interact with services that Usui Reiki Academy Surrey provides and enables me to keep up to date on information for students who may be looking to set up their new business as a Professional Reiki Practitioner.