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Booking Policy Terms & Conditions & Cancellations

Usui Reiki Academy Surrey

Booking & Cancellation Terms & Conditions

Updated 21st September 2024

Booking a Course  

1.      You may book a course either by using the website, emailing or by calling Amanda White Usui Reiki Master/Teacher directly by telephone on 07498 646914.  

2.      Your place is confirmed once the relevant deposit for each course has been received by Usui Reiki Academy Surrey and your place on the booked course is then deemed secure. The placement can be pencilled in but cannot be reserved until cleared funds have been received.  

3.      Payments can be made directly by direct bank transfer (details will be sent upon request), through PayPal (various options provided), by cleared cheque, mobile payment direct to bank or cash in person. Once the deposit has been paid, confirmation by email will be sent with this Booking Policy Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.  

4.      There will be a chance to speak to Amanda White Usui Reiki Master/Teacher by telephone upon booking to ensure you feel comfortable with your choice of Amanda as your mentor and have any questions that you may have answered. If you decide at this stage not to go ahead within 24 hours of the conversation, Usui Reiki Academy Surrey would refund any monies paid, less processing fees if method used incurs charges. After this period, the deposit, which is considered a students’ commitment, is non-refundable and not transferrable to another date, except under exceptional circumstances. (Please see Cancellation Terms & Conditions below).  

5.      An itinerary of the course or workshop booked will be sent to students one week prior to the commencement of the course. This is exclusive of any future Reiki Master/Teacher Residential Retreats which will be issued a month prior to commencement of the course and the non-residential master course, where it will be issued 2 weeks prior to the commencement of the course. The full balance of all courses is due 3 days after the sent date. It is the students’ responsibility to ensure all contact details are up to date by contacting Amanda White via email on 

6.          For all students who have not trained with me previously and wish to begin at an advanced level of training and not from shoden/reiki 1, Usui Reiki Academy Surrey requires documentation showing an approved lineage, previous certification and if relevant further professional development documentation (such as reiki treatment journals etc). It is with gratitude and these details will only be in used for regulation purposes and assessing how Usui Reiki Academy Surrey can best support and guide students on their continued journey with and provide the most to students. We take data protection very seriously, so anything shared will be kept confidentially under the Data Protection Act and GDPR. (Please see Privacy Policy). 

***Please be aware that online courses whereby initiation was not provided in person with a teacher with an accepted lineage, are not considered valid and students may have to repeat these levels of training in order to continue their training with us and receive a recognised qualification.

7.         The structure of Usui Reiki Academy Surrey Courses have changed in line with requirements for the Core Curriculum for reiki and ask to check the changes to be aware of these should a student be refreshing or joining another course after much time since the changes have occurred. 

8.      If a student wishes to pay by instalments to help with spreading the cost, Usui Reiki Academy Surrey can consider this arrangement and keep a running balance, provided the full balance is settled before the itinerary has been sent as in clause 5 of these Terms and Conditions.  

9.      If a student is experiencing financial difficulties, a separate signed credit agreement may be arranged at the discretion of Amanda White founder of Usui Reiki Academy Surrey on a case-by-case basis, to continue a payment plan after the course has ended. It will be considered at a mutually agreeable and manageable weekly or monthly instalment by the student to Usui Reiki Academy Surrey. This is under condition that a full deposit has been paid and is non-refundable or transferrable in order to cover costs incurred by Usui Reiki Academy Surrey. A standing order must be set up by the student directly with their bank on a regular date agreed between the student and Amanda White. The decision of a payment plan being agreed to, will be made based on individual circumstances and this policy is not a guarantee of being granted this payment option. (This credit option only applies to current students of Usui Reiki Academy Surrey where a connection has already been made between student and Amanda White). 

Cancellation Terms & Conditions 

1.      Sometimes life happens and interrupts our plans from time to time and this is acknowledged and understood by Usui Reiki Academy Surrey. With this in mind, certain conditions have been made and must be understood and agreed to by all parties upon securing the place on a chosen course.  

2.      The deposit is totally non-refundable if cancelled by you the student. It is also non-transferrable to another course date, unless under extreme and exceptional circumstances, (such as bereavement or sudden illness and family crisis). This can only be done once and at the discretion of Usui Reiki Academy Surrey.  

3. However, if Usui Reiki Academy Surrey can fill the space allocated to a student in good time, a full refund can be given less fees. An admin fee to re-market the space, make necessary changes and cover expenses incurred, may also though be deducted from the refunded or transferred deposit.  

5. If cancellation occurs due to infectious illness, it is expected that the student rearranges at a safe time. It would be with greatest appreciation if as much notice as possible could be given in any situation but thank all those who cancel and rearrange due to being symptomatic for being thoughtful and considerate to all those who would have been in contact with infection otherwise during the course. 

6. If not attending the course or changes need to occur, it is expected as far as is possible that the student will notify Usui Reiki Academy Surrey on 07498 646914 at the earliest convenience and in a timely manner.  

7.      If a student decides to not attend the course, without prior notification (i.e no show), you will still be liable for the full cost of the course that you have booked and will be invoiced for the full balance that was due or if already paid in full, Usui Reiki Academy Surrey reserves the right to retain the full balance with no refund due to the student.  

8.      Cancellations for Residential Retreats only. If a student cancels their attendance 12-8 weeks prior to commencement, student will receive a full refund less the deposit. If a student cancels 8-4 weeks prior to commencement of the course, a full refund less the deposit and any additional costs incurred. With less than 4-weeks’ notice of cancellation, the Usui Reiki Academy Surrey reserves the right to offer no refund and the full cost of the course may be retained. Exceptional circumstances may be discussed with Amanda White and any refund or reallocation of fees remains as discretionary.  

9.      In the unlikely event that a course cancellation is due to the fault of Usui Reiki Academy Surrey for any of the courses provided, a full refund will be given, or if preferred transferred to another date. It may be though that due to the current government guidelines or due to illness in myself or my family that changes may happen last minute, in such case, in unforeseeable circumstances, arrangements will be made to transfer to another available date, and it will be a priority to ensure all due diligence is taken in giving as much notice as possible. This measure would sincerely be for the well-being of students and loved ones, so ask all students to be aware that it’s imperative that we all remain more flexible and patient during times such as these to support each other. I humbly ask for patience, should this occur. 

10. It is expected that all students training with Usui Reiki Academy Surrey adheres to all the ethical codes of conduct for healthcare practitioners upheld by Usui Reiki Academy Surrey who also reserves the right to suspend or cancel a student’s training without notice if it has been assessed that the student is not fit to practice on the public in future, or other service users when attending any activities that Usui Reiki Academy Surrey provides across its venues. This decision will be at Amanda Whites discretion after investigating any complaints or witnessing breaches of ethical guidelines, safeguarding, respect for colleagues, volunteers, staff, and peers. (Please see Safeguarding protocols for more information upon request). Usui Reiki Academy Surrey reserves the right to take appropriate action immediately to safeguard all who may be affected if it is deemed a student unfit to practice on others and will report the student and their behaviour to the appropriate bodies following the protocols set out by the Safeguarding policy. Usui Reiki Academy Surrey also reserves the right to share this information as per our Safeguarding policy protocols, with the appropriate governing bodies, including if necessary social services or the police if it is in the interest of protecting others. By a student signing this policy, it is agreed that if this situation were to arise that they must return any prior certification issued by Usui Reiki Academy Surrey within 14 days of a written request to do so. The certification will be then null and void and no full or part refund of future fees will be issued to cover costs incurred of any actions which had to be taken as a result of the behaviour. 

11. For the duration of time students are on the private property of any of the activities held with Usui Reiki Academy Surrey, no photography is permitted without prior consent of those attending.  

12. Data protection, respecting privacy, and dignity:

It is important for students to recognise and uphold all ethical expectations in how we conduct ourselves. This may include but not limited to inappropriate behaviour (verbal or physical), discrimination, crossing boundaries in anyway including sexual, or breaking of trust. All students, volunteers and staff are bound by the Data Protection Act and GDPR and must keep confidentiality of any details or personal information that may be shared by others during the activities of which they are taking part, with Usui Reiki Academy Surrey. 

Course Materials  

1.      The course material is the property of the Usui Reiki Academy Surrey and is protected by copyright. On one of our courses, Usui Reiki Academy Surrey has obtained permission to use historical resources of which, the copyright is owned by The International House of Reiki and must not be used without obtaining express permission from the copyright holder.  

2.      You are not permitted to reproduce any of our manuals without express written permission from Amanda White founder of Usui Reiki Academy Surrey, and if permission is granted, the credit and the copyright must remain intact. You will be in breach of contract by using, distributing, or plagiarising the material or teaching directly from the material.  

3.      For professional practice, valid insurance is needed and can only be obtained upon receipt of your level 2 certification as a student practitioner or once the core curriculum for professional practice has been completed as a Professional Practitioner. It is the students’ responsibility to check existing insurance companies will accept the course for insurance purposes. It has now been made compulsory for any professional practitioner, who wishes to join a regulatory body such as the UK Reiki Federation for example, that further modules of study are completed to obtain Professional Practitioner Regulation. 


The courses at Usui Reiki Academy Surrey, are taught to a high standard throughout and although very confident of the integrity of all students that have learnt with us, we do not take liability or responsibility for student conduct or teaching after training with us. Students will personally be held accountable for their own conduct in business and in practice at any time. 

Our courses do not diagnose medical conditions and should not be treated as a substitute for medical or psychological care. Contraindications, integrations, and benefits are discussed as part of the training but cannot be assumed or intended to represent medical advice, nor be deemed to replace approved treatment routes to cure or prevent disease. 

Usui Reiki Academy Surrey cannot accept responsibility to loss, theft or damage to students’ cars or property whilst on the training courses. Students will also endeavour to respect all equipment provided whilst attending.

If unsatisfied with any of the service which is provided, please do get in touch via email with Amanda White Founder of Usui Reiki Academy Surrey or by post 22 Murrells Walk, Bookham, Surrey, KT23 3LP