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Master/Teacher Course - Shinpiden

Non - Residential Reiki Master Practitioner & Master Teacher Courses in Surrey

For students to fully learn and absorb the Shinpiden (level 3) training, practice and meditation techniques, the Usui Reiki Academy Surrey is currently offering  non-residential 2 or 4 day courses in Surrey, UK.

Please note that it has been decided to adapt to the new regulations which came into force in the summer 2020 and to try to be flexible, inclusive and to allow autonomy for students to choose what is correct for them on their own personal journey, Usui Reiki Academy Surrey has developed different options for students to choose from in their training. This is with the recognition that not all students want to teach or practice on a professional basis. 

The new course structures are intended to take into consideration, with as much as is possible for us to provide practically, the diverse individuality, experiences and path that each student practitioner may wish to take, and accommodate what is right for them. 

Please see below, how these options have been adapted and the associated new details for each. Should students require, further clarification, please do get in touch.

The Course

These intensive and internationally recognised Shinpiden courses aim to provide students with the tools to find deeper understanding and expansive awareness through exploring advanced techniques, practice and philosophies which enable students to begin to gain deeper insight into Usui Reiki Ryoho, receiving their Master attunement and practices.

Becoming a "Master" means to master the self, through right action and thought, until with practice and dedication it is no longer a state of doing but a state of being - could the term "Master" really ever be accurate? I feel that we will always be students. There is no destination as such, simply deciding the journey itself is destination enough as this is - presence. The journey (the practice and our dedication to this way of life) is only travelled via endeavouring to live by the principles throughout our lives. We may find that the destination is now, and has been with us for the entirety of our journey - we were simply unaware! 

The System of Reiki is a wonderful spiritual practice which both provides practitioners the tools to find deep inner awareness, and enables us as a wonderful consequence to guide others too!

New Options for Students!

We have a revised schedule for our shinpiden course(s) and this new structure is intended to offer flexibility for students and to be more inclusive for students individual requirements - (of course within the practical ability of Usui Reiki Academy Surrey to provide them). 

We hope this is a welcome change for both existing students, and for those embarking on their journey with us for the first time. Please see below for the various options.

Non - Residential Master/Practitioner 2 Day Course & Certification - 

(First Two Days - 16 Hours)
This is a perfect choice for those who have reached a place in their training where they feel ready to move to the next stage of their development but have no intention of teaching and want to continue to grow and develop their personal practice. It aims to allow students to continue their personal spiritual development but also allows students to choose, if they would like to join the "teacher" course at a later date, without re-sitting the whole four days; although students may, if they wish, refresh the entire training. 

What The Courses Cover - Master/Practitioner & Master/Teacher:

Course Overview, Lineage & Responsibility of Becoming a Reiki Master Practitioner or Teacher 
Review of Existing Training: Inc: Review of Reiki History, Students Receive Reiki Ryôhô Hikkei, Symbols 1,2 & 3, Jumon and Kotodamas (Becoming the Symbols Theory and Practice) 
Discussion of current ways of working.
The Universe According to Reiki (Earth, Heaven and Oneness – and their representation in the 3 Diamonds
 The "Three" 
A Non-Dual Perception

Precepts (A Deeper Perspective) 

Letting Go of Attachment 

Other influences of the System of Reiki

Brief History of Shugendo and Pure Land Buddhism

Master Attunement

Origin, Meaning and Use of Symbol 4 (Drawing, Mantra, Kotodama) Using Symbol 4, Mantra, Kotodama in Meditation Theory & Practice          

Reiki & Religion

5 Elements of Reiki

Gyosei (Waka Poetry) and origin in reiki

 Contemplation and use with Gokai (precepts) and waka poetry 

Koki Hô & Gyoshi Hô (Treating Without the Use of Hands…Eyes & Breath – Theory & Practice

Please Note: Breath practice can’t be practiced due to Government guidelines (theory only)

Meditation Using Symbol 4, Practical Exercise Chanting: Master Jumon & Kotodama - Becoming the symbols

Reiki Mawashi (Practical), Tanden Chiryô Hô (Practical) & Treating with Whole Being Theory – Advanced training after shinpiden meditations are fully practiced.

Walking Meditation – (outside if weather permitting) & Taoist Tree Healing (Theory & Practical)

Pure Land Buddhist Scroll Meditation Ajikan (Theory & Practical)

Non - Residential - Master/Teacher 2 Day Course & Certification -
(Last Two Days - 16 Hours - Master/Teacher ONLY!)
The following is only for students who have already completed their
Master/Practitioner course with Usui Reiki Academy Surrey at a separate time and wish to continue the training by joining a later course after completing the required modules for the core curriculum for professional practice.
Please note: This may not be joined by those who have completed their Master/Practitioner Certificate elsewhere unless by discretion and prior mentoring)

Responsibility of becoming a teacher of reiki, respect, humility, honesty, and integrity

What is Reiju? What is an Attunement? How to perform a Western Attunement, Theory and Demonstration

Master/Teacher Students will receive their pack and discuss; Reiki Regulation

National Occupational Standards, Accreditation, Core Curriculum, Requirements for Professional Reiki Training, Ethics & Law, Recommended Resources, Roles of Professional Bodies, Insurance, How to Teach Reiki, Course Design, Preparation of Manuals for each level, Teaching animal reiki requirements, other reiki branches and why so many different teachings. Responsibility of teaching professional practitioners

How to perform Reiju (theory, guided practice, intentions) 

How to guide students in meditation, answering difficult questions, explaining reiki (both the energy and the method discussion), recognising when students may feel (nervous/inadequate or require further private reassurance and adjusting to needs) the Gokai (discussion and understanding). Importance of teaching from practice. Asking students questions, Leading a reiki share. Mentoring and volunteering.How to explain an attunement, Further attunement and reiju practice and reminder of intentions.


Full Non - Residential 4 Day "combined" Master Practitioner and Master Teacher Course & Certification - Course includes all of the first two options combined
(Full 4 Days consecutively for those who have already completed the required modules for the core curriculum for professional practice and are eligible to teach this)

Returning Usui Reiki Academy Shinpiden Students wishing to refresh their training are invited to attend again at a huge discounted rate!
Please see below!
(Full 4 Days - consecutive course includes all of the first two options combined)

All Courses Also Include:

  • Detailed Course Manuals Appropriate to each Certification
  • Framed Certification
  • Refreshments (unfortunately though lunch cannot be provided)
  • Unlimited further guidance via email or text (or longer discussions via telephone/video call)
  • 25% discount on treatments with Amanda
  • Gifts and Master Celebration on Day 4 - (Master/Practitioners very welcome to return for this small gathering)
Master/Teacher Certificate Includes in Addition:

  • Master/Teacher Packs with everything needed for students to begin writing their own courses and manuals.
  • Possible opportunities to receive further mentoring by joining Amanda’s Reiki 1 & 2 courses as a volunteer to observe and be mentored from a teachers perspective.
  • Volunteering at shares to help with reiju for practice and occasionally if desired lead meditations for further practice.
(Returning Master/Teachers will receive updated and current manual, Master/Teacher pack and a certificate of having refreshed their previous training.)

The course will run daily from 9am to 5.30pm. Individually wrapped teas, refreshments and snacks are provided, but students are advised that they should bring their own lunch.

Please contact for more details on anything about your course.

Book Now!

14th & 15th September 2024

Deposit £120.00

Full Balance £350.00

29th & 30th March 2025

Deposit £120.00

Full Balance £350.00

Non Residential Master/Teacher - 2 Day Course
(Only Available to Students Whom Have Completed Their Master/Practitioner Course & Core Curriculum Modules For Professional Practice with Amanda White

16th & 17th September 2024

Deposit £130.00

Full Balance £390.00

31st March & 1st April 2025

Deposit £130.00

Full Balance £390.00

Non Residential Master/Practitioner & Master/Teacher
Combined 4 Day Course - Usui Reiki Academy Surrey Students Only! - FULL! Master Practitioner Element Still Available.

14th to 17th September 2024

Deposit £220.00

Full Balance £650.00

29th March to 1st April 2025

Deposit £220.00

Full Balance £650.00

Returning Usui Reiki Academy Shinpiden Students (Reiki Master/Practioner (and/or) Teacher 2 or 4 Day Course on the above dates
Please get in touch for more information

Payment Options:

Deposits or the full balance can be paid by direct bank transfer, cheque, cash in person (please contact for details), using the relevant buttons for the dates you choose or...PayPal via this link: 


Before booking please be aware of the full Booking Policy, Terms & Conditions and our policy on cancellations.


- This Will Be Held At My Home in Great Bookham

Please be advised I have a cat and should you have allergies this should be taken into consideration.


If students are travelling from further afield and wish to stay close by rather than commute, there are many options available. I would be happy to help suggest places to stay.

What Students Said About Their Master/Teacher Course Retreat Experience

"In March 2019 I attended my masters course at Buckland House in Devon. It was a 4 day retreat in a beautiful manor in beautiful surroundings. Amanda was the perfect host and provided a manageable infantry, allowing time for questions and any personal time we needed with her and once again her knowledge and her own journey were shared unconditionally. I found the whole experience one of the best things I have ever done and the memories will stay with me forever xx Thank you my angel for showing me a way forward, for always being there and for doing what you do. Much love and blessings xxx"

"Wish I had 6 stars, an amazing week away at Buckland House learning Reiki Master level with Amanda White. She was quite brilliant, and teaches both Japanese and Western Reiki, so many teachers just teach Western Lineage. She is incredibly thorough in all her research, and knows this subject so well. I learnt so much more than I expected, and would not want anyone else to teach me, I really can`t wait to learn more. I would highly recommend her to anyone wanting to learn Reiki at any level."

"I just finished master course with Amanda. I was looking for a master that will have the time to talk explain and go trough any unclear details with me personally and in the group.And indication of her always genuinely felt approach before the master course was confirmed. She went with me before the master course trough any missing part of my knowledge { that was rushed over in previous courses by other master} to get me ready for the last stage all without any extra payment. All that wants confirmed,reinforced by the direct experience during the course.Amanda is relaxed without any ego to prevent her to go up and down to any level of her student and doesn't consider herself as some master but always maintain that is constantly learning and that include our experiences and insights and that her major message is that the course itself is only the spark that start the fire but it is our personal journey afterwards the care for it. On practical level the course was well prepared. Starting with a dreamlike location. Each person had plenty space to relaxed. Meals were prepared during the whole day. So there was no distraction from the task we all were there. Amanda took extra care of choosing the best suitable rooms for different tasks. It was such good choice that the attunement was done in separate space that will be now linked the space infinity opening experience. The whole event was even more growing afterwards just seeing the effect on Amanda herself on the others. You could see the energy also working before the course as it choose the most genuine caring people without being too sweet or spaced out or too physical but just wanting to know. Any last confusion how to use and care for Reiki energy was blown away and I am so grateful Amanda for the amazing you gave me. If you feel your current master is too businesslike cool detached without time to spend with you then Amanda is your choice."